I am only Human I make Mistakes…

                       BLOG# 1 pIC 

      When it comes to the mistakes that we make or have made, the fears that we are faced with, the flaws that we come with, what do we typically have to say to ourselves when it comes to those things? We tend to make the infamous statement: “I am only human, I make mistakes.” Well here’s the thing, while all humans are imperfect, does this excuse us from correcting those mistakes, overcoming those fears, and fixing those flaws? Of course the answer here is no. Of course naturally as humans we make mistakes etc., but to a certain degree this should only be excusable. I believe that even with knowing that we are human we should still strive daily to become better. No matter what the circumstances are there is no reason to make the same mistakes over and over again. I myself am someone who has repeated mistakes, let fear get in the way of accomplishing something that I wanted, and excused my flaws as just being a part of who I am and then one day I had to make the decision that none of these were acceptable anymore. I wake up every morning and look in the mirror to face my fears, I look back on my mistakes and look at them as lessons learned and try to make sure I don’t make them again, and I view my flaws as things I know I can improve or correct. I ask myself every day, how I can be better than I was yesterday. As easy as that sounds it can become a difficult daily task to actually put the words into actions. But even in my difficult times I call on the only person that has ever walked on this earth in perfection, which is Jesus Christ. Only he can guide me through the walks of life and teach me how to correct and learn from my mistakes, how to overcome my fears, and how to perfect my flaws. The reason this is so important to me is because I realize the affects that making the same mistakes over and over again can have on my life and even sometimes other lives around me as well. Usually these same mistakes happen continuously because we live with the only human mindset on a daily basis and this can keep us from reaching and succeeding in a lot of different areas in our lives. Here are some of the things that having the “I am only human” mindset will get you…..


  1. Keeps you from Accomplishing your dreams or goals- a lot of times the key ingredient to achieving those goals and dreams is stepping outside of your comfort zone. When you have the “I am only human” mindset it simply means you’re comfortable with being just like everybody else not extraordinary or great like you should.
  2. Limits your relationship with God- How can you have a relationship with God when you’re not being honest with yourself? Being honest with yourself means that you need to look in the mirror and own your mistakes and also ask God for help to correct them. When you are building your relationship with God your desire is to be more like him since he is the only example of perfection, which is what you should always strive for. How many times do you have to ask God for forgiveness for the same mistakes? You would think after so many times you would finally put actions behind your words.
  3. Ruins any chance of a long-term relationship or marriage- In every relationship we all have our tolerance level and even though we love a person that doesn’t mean we want to deal with their flaws our whole lives. In any healthy relationship the main goal is growth as individuals and as a couple. How can you or your partner grow if you are both making the same mistakes over and over again? I’m sure whoever you are in a relationship with gets tired of hearing this is who I am. When the truth is this is who you choose to be.
  4. It can prevent you from being the parent you need to be for your children- As parents it is our job to make sure that our children don’t make the same mistakes as us. How can we teach them not to make those same mistakes when we are still making the mistakes right in front of them? I’m sorry but the “Do as I say not as I do” rule does not apply to this. For example, if you are a procrastinator I’m sure this shows in every area of your life and if you raise your children in this environment they will also procrastinate in all of their endeavors. Whether you believe it or not living as an example are the best forms of teaching. So let’s help better our society by not passing on our mistakes and flaws to the next generation.



        These issues above are just a few areas that the only human mindset can affect. Even though we know perfection is impossible we should strive to get as close to it as possible. Now if you live this way I am not judging you, but I feel you should reconsider the way you go about your life because there are great possibilities waiting on you. Now if you don’t want to be great or be the best person you can be, then you can disregard everything I said and continue to live a mediocre life. Once your life is that way, you have no one to blame but yourself because being only human is nothing but a mere excuse. So let’s start this New Year off right by renewing our mind and making the effort daily to become a better person so that we can fulfill our purpose on this earth. I want to leave you all with this quote from the Hall of Fame Football Coach Vince Lombardi who said: “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” I don’t know about you all but I’m trying to catch excellence!!


One Man’s Voice


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